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Методическая разработка кейса для 6-7 классов "Watching TV"

Дата публикации: 2023-06-16 22:50:29
Статью разместил(а):
Ермолина Танзиля Рифатовна

Методическая разработка кейса для 6-7 классов "Watching TV"

Автор: Ермолина Танзиля Рифатовна

ГБОУ "СОШ 478 Красногвардейского района Санкт-Петербурга"


Одним из наиболее известных методов современного обучения является метод кейс-стади. В отличие от традиционных методов преподавания иностранного языка в школах, в основе которых лежит чтение, а участие учеников в занятии минимально, метод кейс-стади требует активного участия учеников в процессе обучения.

Я определяю «кейс-стади» как деятельность, ориентированную на учеников, основанную на описании реальной ситуации, которая обычно включает проблему и её решение. Использование метода кейс-стади при обучении учеников способно помочь формированию положительной мотивации к учёбе, повышению познавательной активности, активному вовлечению учащихся в процесс образования, стимулированию самостоятельной деятельности, развитию творческих способностей и нестандартности мышления.

Текст «TV in our life» 

TV-set has become a part of our lives many years ago. Watching TV, we learn a lot of information. The most important information coming from TV is certainly news. Thanks to the news we keep track of events of both domestic and foreign policy. However, not all programs are of use to us. Probably on the contrary - they only hamper our development, making us weak and inactive. Therefore, it’s impossible to say that TV is 100% boon.

So “the idiot box" with TV shows, does it do more good or harm? Giving a clear answer is impossible. What will happen if we don't turn on TV at all? We won’t be aware of what is going on in the world and in the country. You can, of course, learn the news through the Internet, but there aren’t many people who are used to doing so. Particularly it’s true for people over 50.

Let us consider another situation. All day long a person lies on the sofa or sits in the armchair and watches the "box" round the clock. Who will like this kind of lifestyle of “couch potato”? Answer: nobody! However, this attitude to life also harms the main hero - lazy viewer. Why? Firstly, he is passive, which in future will lead to the deterioration of his health and quality of life. Secondly, he watches everything just channel-hopping. We all know that 90% of the information on television is neither educational nor cognitive. They aim simply to draw the audience attention, not to mention useless ads.


keep track


both domestic and foreign policy

как внутренняя, так и внешняя политика

hamper our development

препятствовать нашему развитию

making us weak and inactive

делает нас слабыми и неактивными

be aware of

быть в курсе

attitude to life

отношение к жизни

lazy viewer

ленивый зритель

the deterioration of his health and quality of life

ухудшение его здоровья и качества жизни

quality of life

качество жизни


канал скачкообразной перестройки

neither educational nor cognitive

ни образовательный, ни познавательный

to draw the audience attention

привлечь внимание аудитории

 not to mention useless ads

  не говоря уже о бесполезной рекламе


1. A useful  language bank for communication:

Asking for opinion

What’s your opinion on…?

How do you feel about….?

What do you think about?

What’s your view on….?

2. Read the following comments made by pupils. Do you agree with their opinion?What do you think about these arguments? You may use the following phrases to express your opinion.

Watching TV, we learn a lot of information. It’s great!

- I think the same ...

- That’s true …

- Exactly..

- I agree with you …

- I’m sure that …

- No, I can’t  say …

- I’m not sure …

- I  doubt ..

- To my mind …

- In my opinion …

3. Упражнение.

Work in pairs. Read the following comments made by pupils. Do you agree with their opinion.

Watching TV, we learn a lot of information. It’s great!

Express your own opinion.

You may use:

- watch commercials to learn about new products and services on the market

- watch educational programs and do lots of interesting tasks

- watch programs and learn how to decorate trees with ornaments

- learn how to draw pictures

- learn how to write poems and songs for the holidays

- learn how to cook delicious food

- learn how to bake special cake …

Упражнение № 4.

Children should watch educational programs to … Express your opinion

- to become  more clever than someone in the past

- to learn how to prepare a special dinner for the party

- to do different and difficult tasks

- to develop their creativity

- to create different things.

Упражнение № 5.

Express your opinion

Children like watching TV because …

- they can relax after a hard day's work

- they  can see famous people

- they  can see great events   

- they can take a TV course in history,  economy, in learning foreign languages

- they can learn the  customs, occupations, and problems of people.

- they can  see the best actors and performances,

- they can  hear the latest news and  listen to political discussions.

Упражнение № 6.

Express your opinion.

It's not a good thing for children to be glued to the TV screen all day long because …

- It's very harmful for their health

- It's very harmful for developing personalities,

- children prefer low-standard hits, horror films or banal serials

- they stop communicating with friends

- they don’t meet new friends

- they don’t hang out with friends

- they don’t run errands

- they stop reading books.


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